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Old 9th September 2007, 05:51 PM   #16
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I would like to note that although it is obvious that the piece created by Antonio and Paolo is entirely an artistic creation, I found it fascinating to see how it was done as well as the harmony between designer and artisan. While this may not be well placed in a forum dedicated to preserving the history and development of ethnographic edged weapons forms, it presents very interesting perspective on how hybrid weapons often evolved historically. As Tim well pointed out, the 'Mauser sword' item being an excellent case in point.

I share the same passion for preserving not only the history of the weapons we study, but the weapons themselves ,and always dread those who carry out overcleanings, excessive 'restorations' and of course fakes and fraudulent composites. This creation was none of these.

In my opinion, the creation that Antonio presented was a beautiful piece of art, not intended as a reproduction nor as a representative example, and I very much appreciated seeing it. I realize how passionately those here that are involved in these weapons perceive them, and am constantly amazed at the knowledge on them that is shared here, but cannot see how this creation could be construed as anything but art.

Best regards,
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