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Old 9th September 2007, 05:33 PM   #13
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Default Two Handed Swords

Your comments brought a couple of questions to my mind.

What could be the possible advantages of a warrior using a 2 handed sword?

He can use both the hands to grasp the hilt and thus bring more force into his action. This extra force delivered with a heavier weapon may be used to incapacitate/kill the opponent or maybe even damage/destroy the opponent's weapon. This is a POSITIVE.

But when he uses both his hands, he cannot make use of one hand to possibly hold a shield and deflect the opponents blow. He also loses his freedom of movement. The entire body is flexible when one hand is free. I feel this is a NEGATIVE.

How would you balance the two?

Maybe a warrior can use the Khanda or it's similar types for delivering a final blow on an incapacitated opponent, say like beheading him. But would it be practical for him to use a khanda against a lighter armed warrior using a single handed weapon?

Maybe I am missing something...
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