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Old 4th September 2007, 03:56 AM   #20
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Nathanial, i think you may have misunderstood my line of questioning in regards to this piece.
Firstly all of this style of keris hilts are abstractions to one degree or another. My comments on your hilt are merely that it is an exacting form which i have not seen before (no big surprise) and that i find the your form to be more geometric in form with less organic lines that i have seen time and again in this type of hilt. Is it a more "modern" interpretation? Who knows. Below is my meager example, also in elephant ivory.

As for the blade, ceremonial keris are quite common. That is to say, keris that are designed with the sole purpose of serving some sort of ceremonial purpose. Yet in my experience these blades are usually still made in the same traditional process of layered steel and iron. AFAIK, a well made blade in these materials is a "luxury" in this culture, as much if not more so than a blade made of silver would be.
"The significance of it's like several other court/ official/ artistic pieces you see in many cultures...these are often the best preserved and what you will find in museums...often they where not meant really for function, but to be appreciated for it's beauty/ to show the wealth/ tastes of the owner...several of the Kreis in general are quite fancy/decorative...take a look at several of the pictures of handles you and others use as icons on the forum...maybe these where in fact the Armani of their day?"
I think you need to have a good look at what is really considered a beautiful keris blade, what is "appreciated for it's beauty to show wealth and tastes of the owner" within this culture. I think it would be unfair to compare this with what you see in other cultures because it just isn't the same.
Please understand that i am not doubting that this keris doesn't have some kind of ceremonial purpose within the context of Malay society, but i just don't know what that purpose is. From my limited experience a blade of traditional material is usually the first choice for both weapons meant for fighting as well as the ceremonial ones. I am unaware of the use of silver blades being used in any traditional context, ceremonial or otherwise. I have asked about this and am still waiting to be enlightened by one of our more knowledgable members on keris from the Peninsula.
As for the Armani suit, there is nothing wrong with that. Usually the dress should equally the quailty of the blade it holds. Often you will find somewhat over dressed keris, gussied up to encourage sales to inexperienced collectors. Sadly some folks fall for the glamor of such a presentation. But also it takes a discriminating eye to recognize the sublte excellence and beauty in keris of more restrained presentation and the perfection that can be found in the deceptively simplist of keris forms. Often enough those understated keris are deserving of their "Armani suits".
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Last edited by David; 4th September 2007 at 04:25 AM.
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