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Old 1st September 2007, 11:00 PM   #9
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Timoho, yes. From Bali? Who knows? But unlikely, very, very unlikely.Timoho comes from other places as well, and the workmanship of this cover bears Javanese characteristics.

Yes, these fence finials can definitely cause severe injury. I can recall several cases of accidental impalation---is that a word?--- and going back 45-50 years the police in a major north-west country town in my state in Australia , had the reputation of lifting inebriated kooris above the townhall fence ---which had these type of finials--- and dropping them onto it. At least one death was attributed to this action; nothing was ever proven, of course.
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