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Old 31st August 2007, 07:11 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Tim Simmons
Fishing in a small canoe and you hoick on board a 5-6ft fish one had better stop it flapping about. The same tool might stop a 5-6ft man flapping about even if people have heavier bones.
caution, slight thread veer ahead.

anecdote: reminds me of a patrol we went on in the USCG Cutter i was assigned to in kodiak, we stopped overnight one sat. in a small bay in the aleutians for some respite from the weather, one of the crew went fishing, caught a fluke (flatfish similar to a plaice or flounder) that was about 6ft. & a few hundred pounds. it took him a few hrs. to get it to the surface, the captain allowed the ready boat to be lowered to pick it up, but it was still quite mobile & the coxswain was a bit leery of being in the boat with it, so he thwacked it a few times with an oar. no effect. they wound up getting a .44 magnum out of the armoury and shot it in the head 6 times. it became a bit more cooperative then & it was with effort hauled into the boat and eventually on board & down to the galley. the crew (about 60) ate on it for quite a few days. tasty. did not have any knobkerries on board, or i'm sure we would have tried one.

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