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Old 29th August 2007, 10:35 PM   #5
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Default Beautiful Pepperbox Pistol

Hey Fernando,

This is a beautiful example of the barrel makers art. The 19th century European barrel makers seem almost to have been in a "rennaissance more" as what they produced was both prolific and dramatic. The high contrast pattern on you pistols barrels in a prime example of the armorer art.

They is a book called,"Damascus Steel" by Manfred Sachse that is an excellent reference for damascus steel with superb photos. There are even known patterns in a gun barrel that have a persons name, Prince Albert name in the pattern on a barrel is one known example of this, page 131, figure 221.

This book also has excellent drawing of how some of these patterns were achieved, sometimes simple and complex at the same time.

Great pepperbox,

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