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Old 29th August 2007, 06:55 AM   #3
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opens up a whole new line for collectors. as there has been little of interest on ebay recently, and that little at high prices, maybe the new line can offer us relief.

i remember watching the kirk douglas 'spartacus' movie where they use a section of spear finialed fence as an impromptu phalanx of pikes while escaping, so mebbe these can properly be discussed here as 'weapons'. it also brings back memories of gomez addams sharpening the finials on his fence.


here's one i'm particularly fond of:

note that there was a patriotic fervour during ww2 to supply the military need for metals. miles of cast iron fences were torn up and sent in as scrap to feed the war effort. while most of the metal was of inferior quality & never used, it made people feel good to be contributing. what wonders went into the scrap heap i wonder.

p.s - re the original 'tombak' in post 1, the scabbard is probably worth more than the 'blade' - nice wood.

Last edited by kronckew; 29th August 2007 at 07:55 AM.
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