Thread: Latest Punal
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Old 19th August 2007, 06:14 AM   #6
kronckew's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Ferguson
... Is it an Indonesian badik?...
hi steve, yes. 8" laminated steel blade, plain horn (?) grip. the only one i have with a fully covered scabbard. it is wood with a horn throat piece & a wire decorated copper section about a 1/4 in. wide, followed by the yellow metal section which has a drag braised to it's tip. the blade has a kris-like tang wrapped in cloth to fit it to the grip as in a kris....(the blade tip is undamaged, the apparent missing bit is the terrycloth nap from the towel it's sitting on obscuring that bit a bit )

the photo of the short gunong was taken shortly after arrival, the corrosion has been brass brushed off & blade oiled, the scabbard is split wood with the silver fittings, the blade corrosion corresponded to the visible band of scabbard wood & the slight gaps in the sides, ie. the wood is not glued or sealed & a piece of paper will slide into the of my favourite knives. i use the photo as an avatar on another forum. only we could think of a 6.5 inch bladed knife as 'short'

Last edited by kronckew; 19th August 2007 at 06:31 AM.
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