hi teohong
if you will realy study the original japanese art swords, i mean realy samurai swords before the ww2 you must buy at first some good reference books. ( 100 masterpieces from the compton collection, the japanese sword fron sato kanzan, the craft of samurai sword, etc.) read these books and show with your eys. at next, look in the www. maybe there is in your neighborhood an section from the nbthk.( the society ot the japanese swordmuseum) these collectors can show and described you realy good japanese swords at their meetings. if you started your collection allown, you bearn your money than you paid for so much swords so much money and in some years than you have enough knowledge you must see that it is only cheap garbage. you must training your eys and these can you only than you see good swords not shin gunto swords from the war ore swords with an bad politure( it is poison for your eys). you must learn to see the pattern in the hamon, the grain in the hada, you must see the complete shape from these swords. every time have its own shape and so you can learn what is an authentic sword. i think your sword is not such an sword. it is to expansiv to send your sword to an kraftsman in japan. be not worry, save your money over an longer time and than buy you an good sword by an good dealer ore over the nbthk. maybe with papers from the nbthk. so you have an life time an good feeling than you hold your sword in the hands.