Originally Posted by Tim Simmons
BSMstar, you are too late door knobs are really expensive. I was Lucky and got this Victorian set cheaply, I sprayed them gold. Go to London and you would pay the earth. As to collecting weapons, there is so much out there- use your loaf, move on and buy something else, the prices will come down. The prices are high because you pay it. 
Hi Tim!
Awesome door knob! You just don't see those around any more.
I normally agree with you... that the prices are high because people are willing to pay it.
But in this case, and to bring the point home, I purchased an Ivory Moro Kris with a twisted core last year for just under $500 (similar to the one in this auction without the flaws). This year this one is passing $2600?? That is over a 500% change in one year.
Look at the bidding... the "sane" bidding died out in the $600 range (the price the majority of people were willing to pay).
The desperate bidding died out in the $1200 range (that was crazy).
Three drove it to the loony price range of $2200...
And the two bidders drove the price pass the insane $2600 range.
One can not reason (based on the top two bids) this is what the "average collector" truly believes this Kris is worth... that $2600 is the price "people" are "willing" to pay. Then to back out of the deal (if I were the seller, I would want to reach through my computer, grab Hoser by the neck and shake some bloody sense in to him)! It is pure insanity and no good can come of it!