Thread: Datu Ivory Kris
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Old 6th August 2007, 10:08 PM   #15
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Just a few random thoughts regarding this auction. I am really sorry for the seller, as he is stuck with eBay's fee, and as far as I recall it is a percentage of the final price. I guess a good precaution by all sellers would be to explicitly warn in the listing that they would accept no bids from 0 feedback users, no exceptions. However, I do not see what a seller can do about snipers (to which I also belong) other than a second-chance offer after the end of the auction. For an item on eBay to close high, at least two high bidders are needed to drive the price up, one cannot do it by himself/herself. I wish there was a rule that made second chance offers binding on the bidder, but even this would not help make sure that noone could drive prices up, for whatever purpose. It seems however that someone is doing exactly this - registering IDs just to drive a sale really high and ruin it for the seller and the rest of the bidders, in ther meantime driving prices for colelctibles as high as possible, and this phenomenon seems to have started after eBay decided to hide bidders' IDs.
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