Originally Posted by Rick
I agree Bill .
I've decided to sink all my kris dough into a '64 356c just like the one I had when I was a kid; or maybe a '64 Alpha Giulia instead; still trying to make up my mind.
That kris; overpriced to say the least; I feel sorry for the last 'investor' out of this market . 
Get the Porsche. Always liked them. Maybe with an ivory gearshift knob?
Originally Posted by CharlesS
Nothing shocks me these days regarding Ebay, BUT, I was surprised this one went so high, especially with a reshaped "tail" to the pommel and a late scabbard it likely was not "born with".
Agreed, Charles, but also with a few forging flaws in the blade. The kembang kacang and particularly the greneng are not that well done.
I guess ivory goes a long way.