Originally Posted by Spunjer
bill, not sure about that. but what i keep going back to was what a maranao told me when i inquired about the esoterics: swords with strong talismanic symbols were meant for their original owner, once in someone else's possession of another it sets off a curse. but i guess that's what makes these collection so interesting sometimes; the stories that goes with it. to counter it with another hocus focus won't help explain the unknown. i realize there's a lot of stuff out there we don't know about, reason i try to keep an open mind.
one thing for sure tho; my family haven't slept this peacefully in awhile. but i must attribute that to being on vacation... 
Well, I wouldn't put it under my pillow. I have a few pieces that I keep outside my home, but since I live in a warehouse, they are still secure.
I understand that many shaministic pieces from various cultures can contain spirits, Jen, that were attached to their original owners. It is believed that without the proper rituals to keep them happy and in place, they can become problems.
In some cultures these pieces were destroyed or substantially damaged/altered in order to release the spirits, or at least make the pieces unusable by other people.
Some Indonesian keris have been taken out to sea and thrown into deep water. I don't suggest you do this with a beautiful artifact like you have, but this could also be an alternative.
Not knowing the original history of your kris -- though I strongly sense that someone you know does know a great deal about its "past life" -- (just a feeling I have) I would take the suggestions of Zel and
especially Mabagani, whom I greatly respect, and do what they say.
In my past delving into metaphysical matters that began to get "hot," I was impressed by the Jesuits. They have some powerful exorcism rituals, and they know how to use them. But I have only experienced this in regard to them exorcising people.
All things happen for a reason, and God never works on only one person at a time. I wish you and yours peace and understanding.
It is good to have you posting again.