Sorry I couldn't answer your text more promptly, but you texted my US phone which I left back in the city. Try my SMART phone next time. Anyways, I got your detailed email and hopefully the information I sent you will help you sleep better. Hope you found the history of the kris "interesting." I think you'll need Mabagani's help with this. He could at least point you in the right direction. You may also need the assistance of "the quiet one."
But honestly, I don't think the information will help you. You may need to take a trip with it to Siasi...if you can get there. Otherwise maybe an albularyo can help you. Again, seek the "quiet one." Just the other day I had to seek an albularyo to excorcise an old binangon and plamenko with a "special" blade that I picked up in Lambunao (you're Ilongo....you know what I mean

) The family that gave it to me claims they have the blood of an aswang staining the blades and it's been giving them bad luck since. A visit to the albularyo took care of that and oraciones and talismans were engraved on the blades by a panday with the supervision of the albularyo. I'll send you some pics when I get a decent WiFi signal or at an internet cafe.
PS...Sorry I have to correspond through here, bro. Getting my email can be spotty at times, but somehow I can log into here. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll be deep jungle for a few days....just text me on my SMART phone. Ingat 'tol!