Thread: Congo spear???
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Old 7th June 2007, 06:13 PM   #1
Tim Simmons
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Default Congo spear???

I have started a new thread with this most unusual spear to catch the eyes of the Congo fans. The spear was sold as Kikuyu but this does not look like Kikuyu or Massai work and I can only see a possible link to the southern Sudan. The spear is certainly an old one. The construction is very strange. A wood peg through the socket and some wood packing pieces put inside with the handle, why not carve a handle to fit more conventionally? The spike end also looks Congo with a strange fold over the top. The blade is very sharp. The original glue used to secure the spike has lost its grip a long time ago so I have used PVA. The fence I have the spear standing against is six foot tall. The spear head is 42cm. I have given it a clean. Any help please!!!

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