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Old 3rd June 2007, 06:28 PM   #3
fernando's Avatar
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Thanks for encouraging me, Jim. This isn't much of an ethno piece .
The seller said it could be a hunting knife ( sword ), but he wasn't so sure. The blade is 20 " long and 1 1/16" wide at the forte. To my eyes, it has the shape of a saber blade in short. The grip is dark horn, with a design often seen ... would you agree ?
You can see that this piece is numbered ( 194 ) but both number and maker's marks are not punctioned with accuracy, which doesn't favour quality.
If ever you feel like comenting on this piece, i would be so much obliged. Naturaly the same goes to any other member.
I still strugle to decipher the mark and therefore the maker.
BTW, the marks are found on the left side of the blade, if this means something.
Lots of health.
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