thanks,OA, that's basically how i did my 1st one, just not as many turns. i'd figured it out from jason's photos & was gonna try it for real & take some photos tonight. now i don't have to

yours turned out better than mine would have anyway.
the free ends could be tied in a reef knot (a granny knot will pull loose and a double overhand knot will be difficult to untie) to complete the loop, on my best dha (the scabbard bit i used a bunch of lark's head knots) i've macraméd it a bit so its a broader braided knot to distribute the weight over the shoulder. what is the traditional knot to join the ends?
the bitter ends i have served with a string
whipping to keep them from unravelling - very similar to the main binding. (with rope or small line like these i generally cheat by dipping the end after whipping into a waterproof glue or varnish to ensure the whipping stays in place. the link shows alternate ways, which are more difficult on small stuff.)
these kinds of hitches have a lot of friction between the line & the scabbard and when tied nice & tight, there's no way the scabbard will pull loose so they don't really need to be nailed to the wood or anything....