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Old 22nd May 2007, 02:41 PM   #4
Oriental-Arms's Avatar
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Default Tying baldric on the Dah scabbard

Actually it is a rather simple process. One needs about 4 meters of rope, depends on the size of the Dah, the required length of binding and the thickness of the rope. Just follow the steps below:

Step 1: Fold the rope at about third of its length to make a loop

Step 2: With the long leg of the rope, start binding upward

Step 3: After several binds, continue the binding below the loop

Step 4: Make several binds below the loop and again continue above the loop

Step 5: Pass the rope into the loop and pull tight

Step 6: Pull the short leg of the rope to tighten the loop

This complete the binding.

Binding the rope below and above the loop can be repeated several times or not needed at all, depends on the taste of the Dah owner.

Good luck
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