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Old 9th May 2007, 09:05 PM   #13
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Steven,
To answer a broadly worded depends.
I think Christopher Spring addressed this well in his "African Arms & Armour" when he noted the desperate tendancy of those in the 'west' to always try to explain or understand the practical use of every weapon.

As Tim has noted, many of the weapons of Africa were actually parade or ceremonial. It should be further noted that African tribal warfare was often carried out much differently than that of many other cultures, and there was a great deal of showmanship involved, with the bearing weapon of the chiefs trying to look more intimidating than the next etc.

The use of the throwing knives has received wide speculation, but it is known that they were in degree actually used, many of course werent.
The 'hwi' of Dahomey and many of the bearing swords of west African regions were so elaborate they would have useless at best in battle.

North Africa, they are still wearing takoubas and kaskaras...and yes, they were most definitely used, very effectively. In Central Africa, many forms were intended for use, but remember that they were typically intended as secondary to bows and spears. This may explain lack of wear on many of the existing examples.

All the best,
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