Thread: OLD OR JUNK?
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Old 4th May 2007, 08:44 AM   #28
brekele's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 208

Hi Dave, the Keris Karno Tinanding is already came yesterday.
I looked again and again and again.......

Dave, according of authentic kembang kacang of this keris, then this keris is included "keris bener".
Kembang kacang on back side (wadidhang -x-) is thick/normal.
So, if this keris was already added/modified, then kembang kacang on back side became thin (thiner), and is hard/almost impossible because how to bend/warp (melengkungkan) the kembang kacang by the time iron is hot.
Dave, kembang kacang is resulted (dihasilkan) from process of splitting-up iron/blade and (dipuntir = English?)
Again, So....if kembang kacang is already thin, then is almost impossible/hard because easy get broken.

Dave, sorry....I tried my best to explain it in your languages

Dave, the blade is ASLIES but the pamor is not my taste
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