Originally Posted by Sikh_soldier
Although the recent rise in knife culture is seriously worrying, living in west london, from what i hear in the news most attacks are using flick knives, butterfly knives etc....... no incidents including a 18th century Damascus Wootz tulwar with gold koftgari hilt and fullered blade!!! 
Actually, depending on which statistics you believe, kitchen knives are used in something like 70% of British knife crime. Screwdrivers and craft knives make up about another 20%. Swords are used, apparently, in less than 1% of British knife (edged weapon) crime.
Of course, since handguns were banned gun crime has increased by 40% (or more).
I'm in West London as well

. Never been attacked with a knife or gun, but I have been attacked by glasses and bottles (in Soho both times).