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Old 24th March 2007, 07:02 PM   #14
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Unfortunately, in the UK the media have been regulary reporting a so called 'knife culture', There is some substance to this as there have been a number of fatal stabbings ....usually young males are the perpetrators in gang related /street crime. But whether this is a newer phenomena or because it has been 'highlighted' by media attention making this seem to be a growing trend is not certain. Many previous fatal stabbings/knife attacks did not get so much 'media coverage'.
I also think that 9/11 has had a deep pychological effect on people. Although the planes were the destructive force used....knives were the simple tool that allowed the terrorists to 'take control' of the airliners.

As is widely known we had a knife amnesty in this country....which was hailed a success.....if you could call the handing in of weapons by law abiding citizens a triumph

Hopefully, including swords in this political manoeuvring...ban all bladed weapons and then 'negiotiate' some we (the people) at least have a minor victory.

MP's seem blind to the fact that a 'sharpened' screwdriver is just as lethal as a knife, .....and would be 'legal' to carry
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