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Old 17th March 2007, 08:23 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Tim Simmons
This is a panic by the "Moral Majority" type brigade. I question its success in a real debate. The ruling class in the UK rather like antique weapons and new swords as well.
The problem is that there will be no 'real debate' on the issue. If there was, and the politicos actually listened to the concerns of their constituency, it might do some good, but as I understand it MPs are for the most part only concerned with toeing the party line, not with serving the actual needs of those who voted him or her into office.

I'm sure those who live in the UK are far more aware of the double standards than non-Brits are, but let's face it, none of the restrictions being passed will affect the upper crust. Not that we're much better, out 'upper crust' is determined more by money and celebrity status than by birth.

No, the 'ruling class' in Britain will keep their guns and their collections, while the lower classes, the ones who really need the means to protect themselves, will be disarmed. There was a huge outcry in England a few years ago when a homeowner used an unlicensed shotgun to protect himself after his home was burglarized repeatedly by the same criminals. Despite the fact that the burglars were career criminals with a history of violence, the homeowner was charged and convicted for murder, and the surviving burglar was even consulted as to how harsh a sentence he felt his 'attacker' deserved! The court's position was that they needed to make an example of the homeowner to discourage others from 'taking the law into their own hands'. Last I heard the homeowner was serving a life sentence while the burglar received early release due to the 'pain and suffering' he received at the hands of the homeowner....
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