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Old 17th March 2007, 05:15 AM   #4
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Posts: 181

Don't feel too bad, the way things are going the Sheeple are probably going to ram Billary into office in 2008, and with the Democrats controlling the House and the Senate, Schumer, Feinstein and their ilk can finally get around to gutting that pesky Bill of Rights that gets in the way of so much of their Perfect Society....almost makes me hope for an Armageddon-class meteorite to show up and make room on the evolutionary ladder, humans are too stupid to deserve the top slot....

For what it's worth I signed the petition as well, not that they'll listen too much to a 'colonial'...I signed it as "A descendant of British colonists living in the USA"

Last edited by FenrisWolf; 17th March 2007 at 05:21 AM. Reason: additional text
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