Thread: Sword ID
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Old 14th February 2007, 11:21 AM   #9
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Looking at the first pictures posted I had assumed that the blade was relatively thin. The 'point' had been noted....but thought that it had been 're-profiled'.
The blade 'close-ups' tell a different story. The blade is relatively thick.....IMHO of local manufacture....and with parallel edges and the 'point' already stated ....seems to suggest a re-hilted Kaskara. The lack of the 'moon' stamps also, I feel, confirms that this is not Takouba.
I cannot tell whether the 3 'fullers' have been ground out or chiselled, enhanced pictures suggest that they were ground out with an angle grinder but I am no where near 'sure'. The blade seems younger than its 100 years, but, there is the possiblity that the blade had been 'over hauled' (cleaned, it would lose all its patina) prior to 're-hilting'.
If the 'fullers' were formed by an angle grinder at the time this blade was first manufactured would have been 'too young' to have been at Omdurman....

Still, nevertheless a very nice sword
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