Thread: Sword ID
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Old 14th February 2007, 03:33 AM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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You're right about the use of European trade blades in takoubas, but it seems that takoubas invariably had rounded points, while this blade, distinctly heavier than most takouba blades, clearly has the kaskara spear point. I am inclined to think that since European blades were typically altered in that manner, they would have kept to that peculiarity.
Having noted that, I would rethink my comment suggesting that an Omani kattara may have been remounted in Mali, as the kattara tends to have a rounded tip in the examples I have seen, thus would not correspond with this blade.

I have always wondered how two broadsword forms such as the kaskara and takouba have remained distinctly separate forms, despite the well known diffusion of edged weapons throughout North Africa.

Best regards,
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