I recently stumbled apon a book about Algeria from the turn of the century (20th that is) It showed the type of knives being produced in Bou Saada, and it was the straight variety only, as the ones shown in this thread. The curved type are recent and are made for the tourist market. The blade geometry and the excessive decorations on the blade point to this.
Here is mine:
And an ebay one:
I'd really like to get the authentic variety, I thoroughly dislike my tourist one

Hi David, I think the misalignment of the handle on your example is purely a result of simple craftsmanship. I think the tang was not fitted precisely, only "crudely". I also think that distinctions of right-handed or left-handed may not apply to knife fights, as a fighter would change from one hand to another depending on the situation. Being limited to one hand only would be a terrible disadvantage I think.