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Old 10th February 2007, 11:30 PM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Virginia
Posts: 520

OK here is what I have found on this so far its not much

In Stones -- Hilab, Halat A kind of Sikh, or Sind, sword with a grooved blade, finger guard and disc pommel ( Wallace Orient ). A variety of Tulwar

The term in not used that I have found in Rawson's "The Indian Sword"

The term is not used that I have found in Lord Tattons book

The halab sword is close to the talwar in shape and size, but the curved blade is slightly hollowed or grooved on either face and the cutting edge is chamfered. the Hilt is usually of russet iron and has a knuckle guard. This sword was popular with the Sind as well as the Sikhs. The Wallace collection in London has several halabs on display.One from the Sind dating to the eighteenth century has a hilt deccorated with ferns and inlaid in gold koftgari. The interior of the knuckleguard has an isncription in hindu -- Arms and Armour: Traditional Weapons of India by E. Jaiwant Paul

The Encyclopedia of the Sword by Nick Evangelista --HALAB. A sword used by the Sikhs of India. It has a grooved blade, finger guard, and disk pommel. The halab is a variety of talwar, or Indian sabre. Also called a halat.

Sorry it is not more right now

Last edited by RhysMichael; 11th February 2007 at 01:00 AM.
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