interesting topics, read this topics 2 times
the way i see, each poster here their own belief, value, experience in this subject, if i may I like to share mine.
I was 9 year olds (1984) when i bought my first badik on the local market ( kramat jati, jakarta) . This local market was my playground because i live near the market. Since that year i was colllected more that 20 pieces. In 1989 my uncle who is a student from pesantren gontor ( Islamic University) come visited my mother. One day he said that i've gifted power and he gave a small keris ( 7 luk, aol 7cm ). He teach me & my brother kind of kanuragan from sunan kalijogo named rok-rok asem. After he left to gontor, i sense many things. one day ( Few month later) , i lost my conciousness, can not remember anything. When i awake, my mother said that i was trance and possessed by something. few days later, a paranormal cleaned amd sealed me up and take my edge collection including that small keris

He also prohibit me to have any kind of edge weapon.
I followed his advise because i dont want make my mom worried about me

In 2004, my office hire a kateda trainer for our sports activities. I was join the kateda and learn/practice kateda inner power. Since practicing the kateda I become more sensitive for many things. A closed friends of mine who have powerfull insight ( islamic ) guide me a lot so i could controll the sense. In 2005 i started collecting again

except for keris.
something i like to share :
- i belief that everyone have potential to "sense" especially for keris or other pusaka. you can check yourself by open your palm, consentrated, place pusaka ( edge ) near palm, concentrated on your palm, you might feel cold/warm/nothing in your palm. the result is vary base on the person & pusaka.
- Their is strong belief / faith for moeslem about power beyond logics base on "KUN FA YAKUN" quranic sentece, its mean "Everything / Anything can happen, if allah want to".
- for me, logics always come first when dealing with other person related to supranatural especially on pusaka. Because they are so many scammer / fraudster that used paranormal / supranatural methode to get the victioms.
- I've meet some person who have powerfull ability, and most of them is very ordinary person. And they tend to hide their ability and very humble & noble person. Most of them also very logical & smart person.
upss, such a long post
2 days ago i bought "mengenal keris, senjata magis' masyarakt jawa/ understanding the keris, the magical weapon of javanese" by ragil pamungkas and "Orang jawa, jimat & mahluk halus / Javanesse, talismans & spirit" by anan hajid t. Reading this topics make me want to read these books asap