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Old 6th February 2007, 08:56 PM   #37
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Well, I for one believe that story about a keris that can cause a car breakdown.

Its not only keris that can do this.

I used to own an umbrella that could cause my car to break down.

About 30 or so years ago I lived in an old stone house out at the end of a gravel road, it was about 3 miles to the nearest neighbour, and between my house and the tar road there were 3 or 4 creek crossings.

Nearly every time I left home and put the umbrella in the car, it would stop along the gravel road before I got to the tar. If that umbrella went in the car you could take an even money bet it would break down before I got to the tar, and especially if there was heavy rain, which I reckoned was just the evil spirit in the umbrella being particularly nasty, knowing I'd have to get out in the rain and spray WD 40 everywhere to get going again.

Anyway, when I shifted house, the evil umbrella got lost in moving, and you know what?

Never ever had a breakdown again.

Its not only keris that can have these evil and mischievious entities in them. I know from personal experience that umbrellas, and maybe other things can too.
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