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Old 6th February 2007, 02:25 PM   #30
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I will take your statement one step further Amuk Murugul. You say "Everyone can believe what they like", but it is more that everyone does believe what they like. Belief is a very powerful thing which is key to shaping our own personal realities. And to a certain extent i believe that we each live within our own specific realities. Much of these personal realities overlap, but there will always be aspects of mine that don't work in yours and vice versa. I could discribe magickal events that have taken place in my life that most people would dismiss as fantasy. But as you say, "truth" CAN be stranger than fiction.

Originally Posted by Dajak
Well there is an keris in the Netherlands that break down your car
This can be verified if it have to be
It is interesting that most if not all of the stories we have heard here in regards to powerful keris ("evil" or otherwise) have been second and third hand accounts. And the details of these accounts have been very vague. I wonder if anyone here has any personal stories they might wish to share. As for verification Ben, i am curious how you can verify this car story or any other in this realm of experience. I don't say this to dismiss these stories out of hand, but merely to point out that these are all part of various people's personal realities. I have serious doubts that anyone can back up any of these stories with empirical proof. That doesn't necessarily mean they aren't "true". If you can prove it i happen to know that a guy who calls himself The Amazing Randi has got a million dollar prize for you. James Randi is a stage magician and escape artist who is offerring the prize to anyone whop can prove metapyshical phenomenon.
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