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Old 5th February 2007, 10:26 PM   #26
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Ben, I said I would not be drawn into discussion of this matter, and I will not be.

Each of us is entitled to his own beliefs, and I totally endorse your right to your beliefs.

My own beliefs I have no intention of parading for public view, but these beliefs have been formed over a more than a 50 year period of association with Javanese society and culture. I have had close personal contact with Javanese society for 40 years; my wife of more than 30 years is from Jawa, similarly, my wife does have some paranormal powers and within a certain group of people is recognised as a medium and a distant viewer. I number amongst my close friends in Jawa three people who are recognised as empu, or pandai keris (although now retired), and I was Empu Suparman's student for many years.Additionally I know personally several people who are recognised dukuns. The elder brother of my housekeeper in Solo is able to transform himself into a tiger---at least in the eyes of other Javanese people.

Ben, I am buried up to the eyeballs in Javanese society, and Javanese paranormal belief.Upon this experience I have formed certain conclusions. I do not think I need to read any books about second hand experiences. I already have the first hand experiences.

But I will not discuss or debate any of this. We are all free to believe what we will.
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