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Old 5th February 2007, 06:39 PM   #24
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Ben, i think if you carefully reread what both Mr. Maisey and myself are saying you will see that neither of us necessarily disbelieve that these events can and do occur, nor do either of us find any of these events particularly funny. My question was not whether or not these things happen. Rather i am trying to get at the nature of the power and study just why it might have a effect on some people and not on others. Still, it seems to me that you are making these powers out to be somewhat omnipotent. I personally believe that these powers can, in fact must, serve a higher source. And if, as you say, a keris doesn't like me and makes me sick (which would seem odd to me since i care for it and feed it, therefore maintaining it's life) i always have the power to break it in pieces and throw it in the river or feed it back to the forge. I believe i am in essence more powerful than the keris. Now, if a keris is being used as a tool of black magick by another person against me that is another issue that would require a different approach. Then i am not just battling the will of the keris (if infact it has any), but the will of the other person as well. He may, in fact, be more powerful than i, but not his keris.
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