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Old 5th February 2007, 12:05 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Possibly there is no "one size fits all" answer to this matter.
Some people believe. Some people do not believe. Some people cite various "evidence" others destroy that evidence with logic. But if a person believes something, for that person, that something is real. If it is real, then just as with any other real thing, it can affect the person who believes that it is real. Similarly, if there is a deep seated aversion to something buried in a person's psyche, or in a group psyche, then this can affect the person and the group. However, if the individual is in balance, and not closed to any forces, those negative forces simply flow around or through a person, and do not find a place to dwell. The individual who is at peace with all that is around him has nothing to fear from any forces or entities that may---or may not---exist.
Very well said Alan, i think i am in 100% agreement with you. I have not handled anywhere near as many keris as you have. So far i have had very much the same experience though and i have never met a keris that i didn't like or thought was intrinsicly "evil". I am of the mind that certain keris are most definitely "alive", but my feeling is that the power involved is a neutral one. In other words, "Keris don't kill, people do!"
Every keris that comes into my possession, regardless of whether i sense any power from it or not or whether it is old or recently made is cleansed, feed and ritually dedicated to the path of service in the "geat work" to the creator. So far i have had no complaints from the keris.
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