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Old 4th February 2007, 04:02 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by rasdan
What i said is the pre-islamic beliefs and practice. When Islam came, these beliefs was changed and empus starts inserting prayers into the blade.

I had talked too much about this and had received a warning. I'm sorry guys. i cant explain more than this.
Rasdan, your comments so far have been helpful, but i am not trying to keep you personally (or anyone for that matter) in this discussion. If you feel you can't talk about these things, if you are feeling threadened, what ever, please feel free to drop out of the discussion. This will not, however, stop my own inquiry. Knowledge is power. Fear is failure.
I was not aware that you were only speaking of pre-Islamic beliefs and practices when discussing powerful keris. I have assumed that there are also many empu made keris or other pusaka that have been made in the Islamic tradition that are also considered to have "power". Islam has been the driving religious force in Indonesia for a fairly long time. Certainly i am aware that elements of the old world animistic pardigm still exist and that certain practices have remained, even if not quite out in the open.

Ben, thanks for your book suggestions. I will see if the title you recommend comes in English translation. Just so you understand, i have already read quite a lot on various magickal practices around the world, including books on Malay magickal practices. "Malay Magic" by Skeat and "The Malay Magician" by Winsedt provide some good information on magick in the Malay states. I am finding it difficult to find anything specifically of Jawa. "Visible and Invisible Realms" by Weiner and "Sekala and Niskala" by Eisman both give some interesting perspective into various practices on the mostly Hindu Bali.
Personally i would define white magick only as magick that is done in the service of the Creator. Black magick is anything that is done in the service of self. But there are many shades of gray here as well.
I am afraid that your suggestion that i leave this subject alone because not everyone can handle it is not acceptable to me. I appreciate you comments so far, but no one is holding you to this discussion. If it makes you feel uncomfortable i understand why you might not want to participate. As i stated before, my study of magick and it's practices around the world goes back far beyond my study of the keris. No one gains anything not discussing these matters. Superstitions, misunderstandings and fear only grow in our silences.
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