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Old 4th February 2007, 03:56 AM   #14
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Hi David,

Not all, but almost all will try divert your your faith and relationship with God away. For example, muslims normally reads a few passages or sentances from the Quran for the sake of God. Now, after the person had made aggreement with the entities, they will ask the owner to recite a few sentances; for instance when the owner is in trouble. This is actually will make your heart split into 2. One is to recite for god and the other is to recite for them. They want to share God's place in your heart. To a muslim this is a serious offence. On the other hand, they will also ask for ridiculous stuff when you ask for extra service/power. They will even ask for your wife. A long lost friend of mine had given his. Of course not all will ask for Quran recitation some will ask for mantras etc. Depending on your and their religion.

There are also normal entities that didnt cause trouble. But these are weak and almost of no use. They'll run away the moment they see the other guy you are fighting had a stronger one.

The nice/white ones David are rare and are normally use for charms and business purposes. But still, this type will also try to divert your faith. You must study the impact of their demands very very skillfully. They are really cunning.
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