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Old 2nd February 2007, 05:40 PM   #3
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Hi David,

I can see u r really interested in this energy stuff for a long time. U must had studied something regarding this and I'm sure you yourself can access the "power" if its there. I'll just summarise what i know about the energy. I dont know much and if you already know this, i am sorry.

The energy is generated by entity(s) living in the keris. An paranormal can contact them even if they are dormant. It can be in any form; tiger, snake, scorpion, bird, balls of fire and human being etc., depending to their preference. Each has their own use fighting, charm, business etc. And of course they have different level of capability. When these entities are contacted and if they aggree to be your servant, they will perform their duties for you as long as u stick to your end of the bargain which is you have to feed them in form of smoke, fragranced oil, flowers, pop-corns (im serious) and some weird stuff like chickens liver and some.. prefers blood. Some can lift stuff physically..some can just lift paper and some could lift bulldozers. Most of them cant perform physical tasks.

For a collector, if your keris has it, you can still communicate with them. But with risks of course. If they didnt like you, they can do a lot of damage. Some are stored to protect their family chain, but you can still bargain. You dont have to own a keris to befriended with this entities. A keris is better because the entitiy follows the new owner if you wish to get rid of them.

How? You'll have to ask a paranormal. I dont know the procedure and i wont learn as it is against my faith.
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