Originally Posted by Manolo
Hello fenlander,
I'll take a stab at it...the handle has an antler, so any number of deer species could supply it. The blade and guard give me a Filipino feel. The scabbard with rattan cord looks like that of a dha, so a Thai/Burmese origin maybe. Overall, it looks like it was put together from many things maybe at different times? Try cleaning the blade of rust and see what you get. Doesn't fit neatly in the named categories, so maybe you'll find many names meaning "knife", and I guess it is a low level tool and maybe a hunting knife since it has a stag handle. How is this connected to the handle, does the handle wrap around the antler or is the antler stuck to the end of the handle?
Hi Manalo
Thanks for trying. To answer your question the antler is stuck into the end of the handle, as I have another one that is very similar but where the antler is missing.
As for cleaning the blade of rust. How do I do that manually ?
The scabbard fits perfectly on the knife.
The guy who gave it to me comes from Burma and lives in Taiwan, but says it was bought buy someone else in Xin Jiang western China and given to him many years ago. He has now given it to me.

and on it goes!