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Old 13th January 2007, 09:11 PM   #17
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Default catharsis

It looks like it is rather dificult to define in a sticky what is an ethnographic weapon without being arbitrarian or controversial. From what i see in the dictionaries, the term is more comprehensive than some wish to put it. It seems not to be necessarily rustic, or handcraft, but rather relative to Peoples customs habits and differences, in a general manner. As already aproached here, what is vulgar for an Arab, could be exotic for an European, and vice versa. A good nazi sword ( not the cheap stuff ) is so culturally interesting as a dha or a kris, or any other item often discussed here ... unless this is a restricted Forum, which is not the case, so far. It is impossible that weapons are not allways intrinsecally relative to religious or politic situations. But for what it matters in collecting, such implication deflects over the cuirasse of our indiference. As also aproached here, if a guy keeps posting specimens that do not belong to the general taste of the members, will soon be abandoned due to lack of interest ( that could well be my case ). But it should ( could ) be kept in mind that not all members limit their collections to only edged weapons, of only one or two types. I think this Forum is also open for general variety and general culture, and not just for speciality and scholarship in determined items. Let you not create an atmosphere where one is "afraid" to post images of a specimen, because it might not fall within the "selected" items.
The attached is a nice officer's parade saber, apparently made in the Wheimar period, later beautifully hand engraved and reintegrated in the the Nazi period, according to the backing history i had with it, when i bought in a local antiquarian.
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