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Old 13th January 2007, 06:43 PM   #16
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I have seen some whale harpoons with detatchable heads. It was used by relatively modern hunters. They attached several plastic jugs to the line to serve as floaters. They stuck the whale with four or five harpoons. The floaters slowed the whale down enough to deliver the death blow. I don't recall exactly how it was delivered. I've also seen detatchable heads when hunting seal. A small breathing hole is cut into the ice. A feather is placed at the end of the hole. The hunter lays on the ice for days at a time with his eyes locked on the feather. When the prey breaths through the hole, the feather moves, indicating the prey is in place. The hunter then jabs his harpoon through the hole, usually stabbing the prey in the face. He pulls out the shaft, leaving the prey suspended by the attached line. He then cuts out a hole large enough to remove the kill.
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