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Old 13th January 2007, 03:13 PM   #14
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: New Jersey, USA
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I have 6 of these sort of spears, with various lengths:

Shafts from 140 to 177 cm
Heads from 20 to 30 cm

All the heads (tangs) fit into the shafts.

I also have 2 other similar spears (also from the Philippines). The heads of these however are those of spears (i.e. not harpoon like), detachable from the shafts, and connected by rope to the shafts.

If I were to assume that these are not harpoons, then the detachable feature of the heads make sense when hunting mammals in the forests. The speared animal will have difficulty escaping because the shaft will eventually get caught between bushes and trees while it flees. This is just my guess though.
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