Thread: What the...???
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Old 8th January 2007, 01:36 AM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 221

Originally Posted by Spunjer
i don't understand - this forum is about ethnographical arms, not fantasy swords, repro swords or star wars paraphenelia. yes, the best examples are reserved for the rich and famous, but i would when the smith made these swords, it was made with killing and ending someone's life in mind. effeciently. it started as a killing machine. anything that pertains to it is violence. these weren't unsheated back then just to brag about how pretty it was.

i'm intrigued as to why this forum tries to be squeeky clean. it's really ironic that for a bunch of people that collects objects that was meant to kill, a mere hint of argument between two members warrant a thread closing. that'd be like a bunch of porn collectors trying to maintain a Rated PG forum, lol...
It stemmed from the HOS thread, everyone played by
forum rules until favoritism sneaked in and the rules
got bent. In the case of the History of Steel in
Eastern Asia, Antonio and Mark knew the Philippines
sections' team and contributors were doomed to fail
yet they were willing to stab everyone in the back in
order to publish, readers didn't get Philippine
patriotism or nationalism, just misinformation about
the weaponry and history, add this caveat as a
"lest we perpetuate misinformation"
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