Originally Posted by Tim Simmons
It is often said and in good sources that the "lion spear" type did not appear in use untill the very late 19th century. The old form being just as big a spear but a shorter broad leaf blade. Is this also a "lion spear"? One might be able to use it in the same way.
Tim, on that point I'm not certain....but I suspect that it was vitally important that the Lion be incapacitated as quickly as possible.
My assumption is:
The broad leaf head would cause massive damage...but as it travelled deeper into the animal the wound would tend to 'close' around the shaft of the spear. The lion spear, as we know it , having much longer cutting edges would keep the wound more open ...facillitating faster blood loss. Also with the movement of the Lion the sharpened edges would continue to cut and open the wound along the entire length of the 'embedded' spear. This would not happen so well with the leaf shaped head.
A charging Lion is something to behold,..... no I have not seen this 'in the flesh'

But have seen alot of film footage. The Lion sprints and as it reaches its human target leaps and trys to take the victims head in its jaws, as an effective way of 'bringing them down' and yes...their jaws are powerful enough to crush a human skull

In fact, recently in Tanzania a 'Man-eater' was finally killed after it managed to kill 49 know victims......all of those attacked whilst walking/standing had massive head/shoulder trauma cause by the initial attack. Which suggests that the Masai warrior must wait to the last second...to strike the lions underside as it jumps/leaps. Timing and nerves of steel must also be thrown into the equation.
Perhaps the lion spear evolved with this one purpose in mind, improved to quicken the death of a lion .....afterall ...a Lion still 'high' on adrenaline, fatally wounded ...but still alive ...could still 'take you with it'.
I think I am right in saying that only certain groups within the warrior community can carry these, a symbol of bravery. However it also seems that your status is also governed by the size of spear.....the larger the better.
BUT surely the shorter the spear ...the braver you are.....afterall you'd be a lot closer to the lion