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Old 4th January 2007, 03:26 AM   #63
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Braulio, i think it is time for you to put your cards on the table. I have tried hard to understand all sides of this issue, but inspite of our PMs you haven't made this any easier or clearer for me. I do understand and respect your desire not to mention names and air dirty laundry, but it is time for innuendos to end and facts to be made straight. I and others have asked you time and again to get specific with a complete list of the mistakes apparent in the exhibition. The best you have been able to tell me is that you sent a list to Ian. Now you have apparently sent a list to Alan. I can see no reason why these corrections need to be some big secret that is passed around behind closed doors. If you are truly concerned about this supposedly false information being accepted or passed on as facts then come foward and put your money where you mouth is. If you are worried that these mistakes somehow slight the Filipino perspective then speak up. If you feel that somehow your people have not gotten a fair hearing, that the history presented is somehow skewed and distorted, then by all means, set us straight. Hopeful you will agree that this would be right ON topic, so why not share this information with the whole community?
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