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Old 14th December 2006, 05:05 PM   #18
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 221

Originally Posted by Mark
This "debate" is digressing into a sand box argument. We are well-past discussing the facts of the arrival of Magellan, and whether or not he was the first European. We are also well off any discussion of the weapons involved. Enough with the bickering over irrelevant issues, or I'm going to start suspending people.
?In the original post before splitting I tried to bring the discussion back about the relevance of ethnographic weaponry and Lapu Lapu vs. Magellan's landing in the HOS, (exploration) which was way off topic in the EEWRS forum too, in the first place. Most made the switch towards weaponry and the battle but some stayed with discussing exploration. Why would exchanging ideas about a battle with ethnographic weaponry warrant a suspension?
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