Never said he was smart, although history does say he was a seasoned warrior. Some of the things the Spanish conquistador's did though seems to defy odds. Pizarro, with 150 men attacked 6000 & is said to have killed 4000 Inca in the battle of Cajamarca, although most were unarmed and unprepared for battle. Even after Custer had devided the 7th Calvery into 3 groups, was greatly out numbered, & out weaponed; I've read critics that claim Custer still should have prevailed, but for bad command decissions. It isn't the ability the warrior as much as the discipline in battle. Magellan is claimed to not only have warned Lapo Lapo, but to have waited until Lapo Lapo could gather more men. It would seem that Magellan lost the discipline of his men early in the battle, but still only lost 8 men. I'm sure you don't have to read very far into any history book to find errors or at least enter into debate on it's validity.