Originally Posted by MABAGANI
when the leader Lapu Lapu won the battle with native weaponry, the focus of the exhibit and of interest.
I recall in a study of Magellan, his contemporaries other mercenaries had prior knowledge of the region from which he was able to use
Lapu Lapu did not win the battle with native weaponry, at least in Pigafetta's account. Lapu Lapu would not engage untill most of Magellans men were already aboard boats. The men were in armor & the boats could not come to shore because of the rocky coast, Magellan covered the retreat. You may want to do a search on Enrique, Magellan's slave. He was either from Malacca or was a Cebuano depending who you want to read. Most likely he was the source, about the PI, for Magellan.