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Old 1st December 2006, 02:33 AM   #19
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

OK, thanks David. I thought I did need to clarify that idea of research, because some things I do need to research and go back to written sources, or do the rounds and ask questions---all that sort of stuff. Do the hard work, dig out the answers. But with the classification of wesi aji, its it part and parcel of buying in Jawa. If you cannot classify in accordance with the parameters of tangguh, you can lose out bigtime.


Simply because tangguh forms the basis for pricing. If you cannot, for instance, tell the difference between Mataram SA, Mataram Senopaten, Kajoran , and Koripan you can drop lots and lots and lots of money. Screwup on Majapahit and Tuban-Majapahit, and it can be even worse.

Understanding tangguh is essential for what I do.
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