Ben, forgive me if i have in any way misunderstood or misrepresented your position. I use the word Jawa because it has been my understanding that this is how the place is referred to by the inhabitants of the island of Java. I may be incorrect in this assumption. Regardless, if it is only an old world name that is no longer in use, we are certainly discussing old world Jawa and it's weapons here, so perhaps it is appropriate.

I have no doubt that the chairman of the keris club of which you speak has done his research. I likewise have no doubt that Mr. Maisey has done his research as well. So we have different opinions. I have questioned yours because you choose to validate it with this statement "
I don t like to insult any one but the most knowledge about the keris and Indonesian weapons from the past can be found in the Netherlands" instead of hard facts. Mr. Maisey presented a logical agrument which in the end doesn't prove origin one way or another, but he details how and why he comes to believe that this trisula may not be from Jawa. Knowing nothing about Trisula i find myself more swayed by Mr. Maisey's argument. It is detailed and lists reasons for his conclusion.
I would tend to disagree with you that the fight in Bali had nothing to do with misunderstandings (although, from my readings the Balinese people were very good at fighting amongst themselves with no interference from the Dutch). And it had everything to do with taking the control away, not getting it back. As i have already pointed out, we Americans have done the same thing (again and again) so this is not meant as an indictment of the Dutch per se. I was just attempting to explain that Colonial powers rarely understand the cultures that they dominate. Americans were just as bad in our own country with the indians.
I realize that English is not your first language and i may have misunderstood your remarks. If so, please forgive me.