This is my gloomy rencong hilt
I put some "abu gosok" and put in into my hand. Then as been told by acehnesse blacksmith, i rubbed and move my hand around the hilt with presure. Just like this :
After few times rubbing the hilt with abu gosok by hand, then I rubbed the hilt a white cleaner's cloth with presure by hand.
I rubbeb the hilt with till i'm happy with the result.
And finally my gloomy rencong became shiny and pretty one

This is My gloomy rencong
and This is the Shiny rencong after I polish with "abu gosok"
I found that by using this methode, the thin and soft scratch could be remove, remove all the dust and stain. My hope by sharing this info could give you the idea, how our acehnesse blacksmith polish their rencongs.